Heidi Campana Piva



Heidi Campana Piva is based at the University of Turin in Italy. Her VORTEX doctoral project “Fake und conspiracy: Disinformation dynamics and radicalisation” matches her main research interests: religious and anti-scientific conspiracy theories, as well as the spread of dis/misinformation on social media and how these relate to processes of radicalisation. Heidi is supervised by Prof. Massimo Leone and co-supervised by Dr. Julian Junk. Her two-month secondment period at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, in the city of Trento (Italy), has provided her with invaluable training in digital humanities and computational methodologies that are going to take her research to the next level. Heidi’s next secondment period will take her to PRIF in Frankfurt, to meet the other Doctoral Candidates based there (Laura and Lotta) as well as others who are also having secondments there at the same time.

In the past, she has worked at the University of São Paulo Innovation Office as head of the audiovisual work, in the Communication team. She obtained her postgraduate degree Cum Laude in Semiotics from the University of Tartu (Estonia) and her undergraduate degree with Highest Honours in Social Communication from the São Paulo State University (Brazil). For some time, Heidi has designed cover artworks and illustrations for scientific dissemination in high impact journals (click), as a bit of a hobby. During her academic journey, Heidi has explored many different subjects such as complex narratives in televion, participatory culture and fan studies, science communication and democratization, and now, conspiracy theories.